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New York Library: Library Policies

Homepage of the AMDA New York campus Performing Arts Library.

Library Loan Policy

Library Access

Currently, circulating materials in the Library Collections are only available to current AMDA students, faculty, and staff. Alumni are welcome and encouraged to visit the library during operational hours to use the collection. Anyone outside of the AMDA community who would like to view the collection may make an appointment with a librarian. 

For further information please contact the AMDA NY Library:

250 W. 54th Street

9th Floor, Room 902

New York, NY 10019

Tel: (212) 957-3315



Loan Periods 

Item Type Loan Period
Reference Collection No Loans
Songbook Collection No Loans
Reserve Collection No Loans
Course Reserve Collection 2-hour loan, in-library use
General Collection 5-day loan

Reference, reserves, and songbook (music) collections are in library-use only materials. Scanning and copying is permitted. 

Current AMDA community members may borrow physical and digital material from the library using their AMDA-issued ID card. Faculty may borrow up to 5 items at a time, and have material on loan for 5 days, with a one-time option to renew per item. Current students may borrow up to 3 items at a time, and have material on loan for 5 days, with a one-time option to renew per item. 

Course Reserve materials may be borrowed for a 2-hour, in-library use only period, and may not be renewed. Course Reserve materials are located at the Circulation Desk. General Reserve materials can be found in the general collection and must remain in the library. 

Students must return all physical materials at the end of each semester.


Proxy Borrowing

Faculty members may designate a student to pick-up their library materials for them. The faculty member must contact a library staff member before the student will be allowed to do this. 

Online Collections

On-Campus Access

All AMDA Community members have access to the Library’s databases while on-campus and connected to the AMDA network. 

If problems occur please contact library staff for assistance. 

Off-Campus Access

Current AMDA students, faculty, and staff have access to our online collections while off-campus by using their current AMDA ID. Due to vendor contracts, alumni do not have access to these collections while off-campus. 


Holds may be placed through the Library Catalog on items currently checked-out. When the book is ready for pick-up, the patron will receive an automated message letting them know the item is available. After receiving this message, the book can be checked-out at the Circulation Desk. 

Renewing Items

Items may be renewed once by a patron unless a hold has been placed on the item by another member of the community. 

To renew library materials online, log-in to your library account through the Library Catalog at the top right corner of the screen. From here, checked out items are visible. Select renew to extend your loan. 

If you would like to renew your items in-person, please visit the Circulation Desk and a library staff member will help you. If you are unable to come to the library and need to renew your items, please send us an email or call the library for assistance. 


Please return items to the Library Circulation Desk or the Library book drop. 


The AMDA Libraries are fine-free. Overdue materials that are returned will be taken off the patron’s library account. If materials are lost, the patron is responsible for the replacement cost of the item plus a $5 processing fee. 

Community members will be emailed six overdue notices before an item is designated as lost. A block will be placed on their account if the item is not returned by the end of the semester. 

Damaged Items

Library materials may not be marked or defaced in any way. Library staff will evaluate damage to materials on a case-by-case basis. If returned materials are deemed beyond repair and unusable, the library may issue a bill to the patron. This may occur even after an item has been checked-in through the library system. 

Whether issued for lost or damaged items, patrons will be responsible for the current cost to replace the item plus a $5 processing fee.


Account Blocks

At the end of each semester, students must return all Library materials. Any unreturned items will result in a block being placed on the student’s Library account. When a block is in place, students will not be able to check out any Library materials or access online materials (including the Special Collections through Vitrium). The block will be removed once the issue is resolved.

Upon graduation, for any student/graduate with unreturned items a block will be placed on their AMDA school account resulting in a delay in receiving their diploma/certificate. The block will be removed once the issue is resolved.

Library Conference Room Reservations

Room Usage

The NY Library Conference Room may be reserved for individual or group study, individual or small group DVD viewing, meetings, or for a class session. If the room is not reserved, it will function as a communal Quiet Room. Reservations for Study and DVD viewings may be made through the link in the Library Canvas course; for meetings and class usage please contact Library staff.

Reservation Policies

  • Reservations may be made up to 2 weeks in advance but no later than 24 hours in advance

  • Reservations are available Mondays through Fridays from 30 minutes after the Library opens until 30 minutes before the Library closes (Reservations may not be made on Sundays.)

  • Reservations are available to current AMDA students, faculty, and staff

  • Individuals are limited to reservations adding up to a maximum of 2 hours each day. After the 2-hour limit has been reached, any subsequent reservations later in the day will be canceled by Library staff

  • Reservations will be canceled 10 minutes after the start time in the event of a no-show

  • No-shows may affect eligibility for future reservations

Study Guidelines

  • Room use is intended for study or group project/presentation work 

  • The room may not be used as a rehearsal space

  • Singing or playing an instrument in the room is not permitted

  • Maximum room occupancy is 10 people

  • The Library food and drink policy still applies

DVD Viewing Guidelines

  • Patron must check the DVD out on their Library account

  • Maximum room occupancy is 10 people

  • The Library food and drink policy still applies

  • The viewing may not be publicized or advertised as an event

  • The volume must not exceed a level whereat the sound is disturbing to individuals outside the conference room

  • Library staff will adjust the reservation length to accommodate the length of the DVD being viewed; please speak to a Library staff member if you have questions


  • Faculty and Staff may reserve the room for meetings; please speak to a Library staff member

  • Maximum room occupancy is 10 people

Class Sessions

  • Faculty and Staff may reserve the room for meetings; please speak to a Library staff member

  • Maximum room occupancy is 10 people

Collection Development Policy


The Library is an innovative part in the pursuit of academic excellence for the AMDA community and a leader in providing dynamic performing arts information services. The Library provides a welcoming facility that supports the students, alumni, faculty, and staff in their academic, artistic, and professional goals. The Library’s mission statement is in alignment with AMDA’s institutional Philosophy and Mission statement.


The vision for our Library includes a collection that is tailored to student and faculty needs, exemplary service to all our users, skillful and engaging instruction on information research skills, strong and continuous support from our users and colleagues from around the world, and a national reputation for excellence in librarianship and library service. 

Collection Guidelines

 1. Collection Responsibilities 

     a. Making changes to the current library holdings is the primary responsibility of the AMDA librarians or full-time library staff. The Education department provides the library a list of required readings and textbooks used at AMDA for the librarians to assess. 

     b. AMDA Community members including faculty, staff, students, and alumni may fill out an Acquisitions Request Form for materials they would like to see added to the existing collection. 

2. Gifts and Donations are accepted at the discretion of the AMDA librarians. Published materials or materials with ownership transferred to the Library are taken into consideration. Please see our Gift and Donation Policy here. Donors are asked to fill out a Gift in Kind Form and to provide an itemized list if possible. If requested, a tax/donation receipt will be given. 

3. Formats

     The AMDA Libraries acquire both physical and electronic items. We select the format of materials based on need and availability. 





The AMDA Libraries primarily collect works that relate to the curriculum of undergraduate and graduate programs offered at AMDA. Materials needed for research beyond course needs may also be collected. Textbooks will not be purchased through library funds. Duplicate copies will be added to the collection at the discretion of library staff. 

  1. Areas of Knowledge [from AMDA 2023 Course Catalog]

    • Arts & Humanities

    • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

    • Foundational Communication (Oral & Written)

    • Foundational Critical Thinking

    • FoundationalPhysical and Biological Sciences

    • Foundational Quantitative Reasoning

    • Information and Digital Literacy

    • Social and Behavioral Sciences

  1. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

    • Written Communication

    • Oral Communication

    • Critical Thinking

    • Information Literacy 

    • Quantitative Reasoning

    • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

    • Technological Literacy 

    • Historical Perspective

  1. Areas of Study

    • Acting (Studio)

    • Acting for Camera : Film and Television Arts

    • Dance Theatre

    • Music Theatre

    • Theatre Arts

    • Performing Art

Special Collections

The AMDA Special Collections consist of donations primarily from AMDA faculty and alumni who have shared materials from specific, authorized productions with which they were contracted, or of which they have created, to contribute to student enrichment at AMDA. The Libraries accept donations for the Special Collections with the understanding that these items are exclusively for the AMDA Community, and consist of original, primary content. Photocopied materials and/or materials with explicit instructions not to disperse will not be accepted. 



  1.  General considerations are as follows:

    • Current availability, format of item, usage, historical value, availability via interlibrary loan, physical condition, and space

    • Conduct yearly evaluations on physical and digital material


  1. Physical Collection 

    • Performance material: keep all physical items, if condition permits

      • Scores  

      • Libretti

      • Plays 

    • Non-performance material

      • Items that are ten years past publication may be reviewed for withdrawal  

      • May be limited to one copy

      • Consider the acquisition of digital format in place of physical copy


  1. Digital Collection

    • OverDrive

      • Zero checkouts for items older than 2 years (date added)

      • duplicate copies (with low usage)

      • <5 checkouts for years prior to last 2 years (date added)

    • Digital Holdings through Library Database Subscriptions

      • Review usage reports sent by vendors

      • Review individual title usage for digital holdings through Ebsco’s Flipster and Overdrive


Music Available through Individual Composer 

The libraries are unable to purchase materials that the creators have expressly  chosen not to commercially publish. their music and have opted instead to sell the music individually through their website. For this reason, it is not available for institutional purchase, and as such, is not legal or ethical for the Library to purchase the material for our collection.

You can respect the artists' creative and business decisions by purchasing the music directly from them.