This page is dedicated to providing context on the Golden Age of Musical Theater.
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"Reading Musicals": Andrea Most's Making Americans: Jews and the Broadway Musical
"Hooray for What!": A Glimpse into the Golden Age of Sexual Harassment
Hello, Young Lovers: Assimilation and Dramatic Configurations in the American Musical
Reassessing 'problematic' shows
Irving Berlin's "Blue Skies": Ethnic Affiliations and Musical Transformations
Can American Popular Vocal Music Escape the Legacy of Blackface Minstrelsy?
Performing American: Ragtime Dancing as Participatory Minstrelsy
Respectable Vamp: A Black Feminist Analysis of Florence Mills' Career in Early Vaudeville Theater
The Sullivan Paradox. A Fresh Look at Sullivan's Achievements: And Failures
The Commodification of Aesthetic Feeling: Race, Sexuality, and the 1920s Stage Model